School Life
Project Base Learning
One of the highlights in our school life are our engaging and hands-on PBL (Project Based Learning) units. Our community studied economics standards through brainstorming and creating a concession stand to raise funds for an end of year LC activity. Students participated in 4 elements of the task: manufacturing the food and drinks that would be sold, marketing the concession stand to families and students, developing schedules through our human resources and constructing the actual concession stand.
Other successful PBL units have been integrating persuasive writing with our Geography standards and bringing awareness to the different environmental impacts that are happening in the Western Hemisphere. Through research students created and memorized TED Talks to highlight and present their stance on a certain issue to an authentic audience.
Passion Projects
One of the most creative and exciting times of the day is when students get to explore during passion projects. We offer culinary, robotics, chess, broadcasting, computer science, woodworking, 3D printing, arts ‘n’ crafts and theater. Students get a chance to choose what they would like to spend the next several weeks learning about and exploring. There are future bakers, woodworkers and engineers heading out into the world!