Parent Groups
School Accountability Committee (SAC)
- SAC Member Responsibilities
- SAC Membership
- SAC Manual and Example ByLaws
- Meadowlark SAC Members
- Meadowlark SAC Meeting Schedule
- Meadowlark SAC Minutes
SAC Member Responsibilities
Colorado State Statute 22-11-402 and BVSD policies AE and AE-R established SAC powers and duties. SAC responsibilities include the following:
- Recommending to the principal of the school priorities for spending school moneys, including federal funds, where applicable;
- Making recommendations to the principal of the school and the superintendent concerning preparation of a school Performance or Improvement plan, if either type of plan is required;
- Meeting a least quarterly to discuss whether school leadership, personnel, and infrastructure are advancing or impeding implementation of the public school's Performance, Improvement, Priority Improvement, or Turnaround plan, whichever is applicable, and other progress pertinent to the public school’s accreditation contract;
- Providing input and recommendations to the DAC and district administration, on an advisory basis, concerning principal development plans and evaluations;
- Publicizing opportunities to serve and soliciting parents to serve on the SAC
- Assisting the district in implementing at the school level the district's family engagement policy; and
- Assisting school personnel to increase family engagement with teachers, including family engagement in creating READ plans, Individual Career and Academic Plans, and plans to address habitual truancy.
- Excerpt taken from the Colorado Department of Education - District Accountability Handbook, (Fall 2018)
SAC Membership
Each school is responsible for establishing a School Accountability Committee (SAC). Colorado State Statute 22-11-401 and BVSD policy (AE-R) determine membership requirements. Each SAC should consist of at least the following seven members:
- The principal of the school or the principal’s designee;
- At least one teacher who provides instruction in the school;
- At least three parents of students enrolled in the school
- At least one adult member of an organization of parents, teachers, and students recognized by the school; and
- At least one person from the community
A person may not be appointed or elected to fill more than one of these required member positions in a single term. The number of parents must exceed the number of representatives from the group with the next highest representation. Finally, SACs must select one of their parent representatives to serve as chair or co-chair of the committee.
Note: To the extent practicable, parents serving on accountability committees should reflect the student populations that are significantly represented within the school. Such student populations may include, but not be limited to, students who are members of non-Caucasian races, those who are eligible for free or reduced-cost lunch, those who are Emerging Bilingual students, migrant children, students who are identified as having a disability and students who are identified as gifted.
Note: Generally, a parent who is an employee of the school or who is a spouse, son, daughter, sister, brother, mother or father of a person who is an employee of the school is not eligible to serve on a SAC. However, if, after making good-faith efforts, a principal or organization of parents, teachers and students is unable to find a sufficient number of persons who are willing to serve on the SAC, the principal, with advice from the organization of parents, teachers and students, may establish an alternative membership plan for the SAC that reflects the membership specified above as much as possible.
- Excerpt taken from the Colorado Department of Education - District Accountability Handbook, (Fall 2018)
SAC Manual and Example ByLaws
Meadowlark SAC Members
Meadowlark SAC Meeting Schedule
Meadowlark SAC Minutes
Other Parent Groups
- District Accountability Committee (DAC)
- Distict Parent Council (DPC)
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
- Families and Educators Together (FET)
- Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA)
- Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
- Helpful Websites
- How to Review School and District Reports
District Accountability Committee (DAC)
The District Accountability Committee (DAC) is a state mandated committee in which the district community engages in meaningful consultation in performance and improvement planning. The DAC advises the Board of Education on budgetary priorities, unified improvement plans, student growth and achievement, district policies, family engagement, board policies relevant to the work of the DAC, and jointly determined topics of study.
The DAC promotes effective accountability by gathering and disseminating information and perspectives from various constituencies, ensuring transparency, the timely evaluation of district performance, and the free flow of information across school, district, and community levels. The DAC maintains autonomy to independently engage parents, school leadership and staff, district leadership and staff, and the Board of Education to make recommendations on district priorities within its scope as defined in this policy.
Specifically, the DAC shall fulfill the roles and duties outlined in BVSD policy AE-R and in Colorado Revised Statutes 22-11-301 and 22-11-302.
For additional information, visit the BVSD District Accountability Committee website.
Meadowlark Parent Representative for 2023-2024 - Heather Alden
Distict Parent Council (DPC)
The Boulder Valley District Parent Council (DPC) provides a monthly forum and lively exchange of ideas for all schools in the Boulder Valley School District. The group is made up of one representative from every school in the district. The group meets monthly with the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Rob Anderson, to discuss and examine timely and relevant topics that affect the students and schools of BVSD. You can learn more about the DPC on the BVSD website. If you have relevant thoughts or questions that you would like Suzanne to bring forward to a meeting, feel free to contact her at Suzanne is happy to circle back with a response. Note also that DPC meetings are open to the public and you are welcome to attend. There is a question/suggestion box in the front entry of the school for anyone to drop a note to Cricket.
Meadowlark Parent Representative for 2023-2024 - Anya Jones
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
To achieve excellence for every student, we recognize that we must focus on equity. That is why equity is at the center of our "All Together for All Students" strategic plan. We believe that the strategic initiatives we have launched will finally address the core themes that have led to our decades of achievement and opportunity gaps, ultimately ensuring excellence for all of our students. To read more about the incredible work being done in BVSD, check out the website!
Meadowlark Staff Representatives for 2023-2024 - Brent Caldwell, Kay Dye, Sarah Grubb, Kristen Smetzer, and Jess Yeomans
Meadowlark Parent Representatives for 2023-2024 - Carole Bakhos and Eliana Van Etten
Families and Educators Together (FET)
FET is a team of educators and family members partnering together to create a more inclusive community to support the well-being of all students and families. FET aims to honor and center parent voices and to strengthen a trusting relationship between educators and underrepresented family members. Your school's team needs your valuable ideas to help all of our children to excel in school and, therefore, to create a stronger community for all. Currently there are FET teams at the following schools: Angevine, Aspen Creek, Boulder High, Casey, Centaurus, Centennial, Coal Creek, Columbine, Crest View, Eisenhower, Emerald, Fairview, Fireside, Lafayette, Louisville Elementary, Louisville Middle, Manhattan, Meadowlark, Mesa, Monarch PK-8, New Vista, Pioneer, Lafayette, New Vista, and Summit .
Meadowlark's Meeting Schedule: September 26, 2023 / October 24 / November 28 / January 9, 2024 / January 30 / March 5 / April 9 / April 30
Meetings are held from 6-7:30 pm in the Heart space
Membership: Ongoing membership, open to families from underrepresented communities
District Representative for 2023-2024 - Ari Gerzon-Kessler
Meadowlark Staff Representativs for 2023-2024 - Amanda Boshinski, Brent Caldwell, Joy Earheart, Lindsay Falvey, Sarah Grubb, Gretchen Jimenez, Tracey Johnston, Marge Modrezjweski, Ina Rochelle, Ryan Root, Kristen Smetzer, and Anna Taylor
Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA)
The Meadowlark Parent Teacher Student Association meets regularly to plan and organize school activities and provides additional support to maximize the educational experience for all students. Regular meetings will be announced at the beginning of each year, put on the school event calendar on the website and published in the Weekly News.
Greetings Meadowlark Families!
PTSA groups serve five main purposes (the 5C's):
1) Communication - Provide clear, concise communication between the school and home about community events
2) Community Building - Engage families in events that build a strong sense of community and develop mutual respect and positive relationships
3) Classroom Support - Sponsor, promote and communicate events for all students that supplement and enhance the BVSD curriculum
4) Creating Volunteer Opportunities - Provide many and varied opportunities for families to become involved in their children's education
5) Cash Campaigns - Raise funds to provide staff and necessary resources to meet student needs not provided through district allocations
You can get all the details here on the PTSA website, including a list of the current Board of Directors, instructions on how to become a member, how to volunteer at school, and opportunities to help raise funds for the school.
PTSA Board Members for 2023-2024 - Click Here
Meadowlark Staff Representatives for 2023-2024 - Brent Caldwell, Denise Pfnister, Joy Earheart, Sarah Grubb, Michael Pacini, and Kristen Smetzer
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
BVSDs Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) is a representational committee made up of parents, educators and community members representatives. We take our work as advisory seriously and have made recommendations to the BVSD Board of Education, superintendent, special education administrators, general education administrators and to the Colorado Special Education Advisory Committee (CSEAC).
SEAC Vision: All learners are respected and challenged with high expectations, their needs are met and student aspirations for success are fulfilled.
Our mission is to actively represent children/youth with disabilities and impact decisions made on their behalf to enhance the quality of education services.
Read more about SEAC on the BVSD website
Meadowlark Parent Representative for 2023-2024 - contact if you are interested!
Helpful Websites
CDE | SchoolView
Source for school & district data
CDE | Unified Improvement Planning
CDE | School & District Accountability Committees (SACs & DACs)
Responsibilities and associated resources